It is a condition in which person face a breathing problem while sleeping, it is a disorder causes by poor quality of sleep. A person who is suffering from it, could have loud snoring problem, choking nose, poor sleep, anxiety issues and feeling of fatigue. This condition can cause obesity, depression, memory loss and memory related problems, stokes, heart disease, sexual dis- function, virus flue and cold. Sleep apnoea clinic Sydney provides easy solution of this problem and correct your life style habits. They suggest treatments like change in position of sleep. It is very effective way to deal with this problem as once you change sleeping position and posture to improve your sleep quality. Also recommend a healthy life style in which they suggest you better mean of diet and exercises. A proper diet with sufficient amount of water daily, can solve many diseases.
Sleeping apnoea can be caused by daytime sleepiness, irregular breathing, movements during sleep, difficulty in falling asleep, teeth grinding, insomnia, health condition, mood disorders and stress. Medically it can be treated as by sleeping pills, melatonin supplements, medication for health issues, breathing devices, a dental guard. But one can overcome that problem by changing some personal habits like food and diet control, reduce sugar, exercise daily, walking, drinking more water, limiting caffeine intake and eating low crabs. Sleep apnoea clinic Sydney treats all types of apnoea and its causes. There are three types of apnoea central sleep apnoea (CSA), obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and mixed sleep apnoea (it has both types of apnoea).