Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Use different ways to stop snoring!

The most common sleep disorder is snoring. Men and weighty people are more likely to be affected by it though people of all age groups can be affected by it. Studies show that 25% are habitual snorers and 45% of adults are occasional snorer.

There are many causes of snoring. Disturbing the air flow in the nasal airways and mouth that causes the throat wall to vibrate during breathing, snoring is caused due a physical hindrance. Obstructed nasal passages demands extra energy to make the air flow through them, when a person breathes while sleeping. And resulting into snoring, this makes soft tissue of the back of the nose and throat to be pulled together. Some of the other causes that lead to snoring while sleeping are poor muscles in the tongue and throat, bulky throat issue, a long uvula and long soft palate.

For the person who sleeps with the snorer, occasional snoring is normally just a annoyance but leading to many health problems and most critical among them is Obstructive Sleep Apnea, habitual snoring is a serious problem. Causing long disruptions of breathing, in Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, physical hindrance which disturbs the air flow, which is a very uncomfortable and dangerous condition for our body. And in serious cases, in just one night, the number of these long disruptions of breathing can even exceed hundred. Without even realizing and lowering of blood oxygen levels, Obstructive Sleep Apnoea also leads to frequently waking from sleep.

By behavior changes like losing weight and improving your eating habits, occasional snoring can be taken care of. By a snorer before he goes to bed, intake of alcoholic drinks, heavy meals should be avoided for at least 4 hours. Before going to sleep (unless advised otherwise by your doctor,) occasional snorers should avoid taking sleeping pills, antihistamines and tranquilizers. Establishing regular sleeping patterns, one should adopt sleeping habits like try sleeping on his side instead of his back. The situation can be helped by tilting the head of the bed up 4 inches.

The snorer needs to see his doctor and discuss the matter with him, if behavior changes don't help. For habitual snoring, modern science has gifted us a variety of treatments and snoring can be reduced or eliminated completely with the help of them. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), Genioglossus & hyoid advancement, Uvula Palatoplasty (Laser-assisted), Somnoplasty, Tonsillectomy, Septoplasty & turbinate surgery and Continuous Positive Airway Pressure are some of them.

There are many ways to stop snoring. One can get diagnosis from a renowned specialist and then get a proper treatment done for this problem. This is because in case the situation is left untreated, it can result into serious consequences. Thus, proper solution of this problem is necessary.

For further detail about ways to stop snoring please visit the website.

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