Friday, 20 September 2013

Teeth grinding in children

Teeth grinding is not something only seen in adults. Children may also grind or clench their teeth especially during sleep. There could be a number of reasons such as stress, improper alignment, medical conditions or illnesses that may cause childhood grinding or teeth clenching. Usually without any medical intervention the teeth grinding may stop when children reach adolescence. However, in certain cases such as stress or medical conditions, once the root cause is dealt with in the right manner childhood clenching of teeth or teeth grinding can stop.

Sore jaw, mild headache in the morning or worn teeth are some of the telltale signs of teeth clenching. In case of babies teething or pain may result in teeth grinding. Proper diet and keeping oneself hydrated by drinking lot of water can be of help. Massage and relaxing exercises can help relax the jaw muscles and thus reduce clenching of teeth.

For children who grind or clench their teeth due to stress, finding the reason for stress and removing it can help. In most cases reassurance and speaking to them can work wonders. In situations where the problem persists consulting a doctor is a good idea. According to experts most children stop teeth grinding or clenching of teeth once they grow up, however one may check if a mouth guard can be used to control grinding or clenching teeth. If needed it is always a good idea to look for custom made guard to ensure it fits properly and does not dislodge.

For further detail about teeth grinding please visit the website.

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