Saturday, 7 December 2013

Teeth grinding called in medically Bruxism

Are you suffering from teeth grinding? It is medically called bruxism. People grind their teeth without it causing any symptoms or problems. bruxism does not usually cause harm, however, regular and persistent teeth grinding can cause pain and discomfort in jaw and it can wear down teeth if not treated well. Other oral health complications can also arise. The reason of bruxism or teeth grinding can be stress and anxiety, it often occurs during sleep and is more likely caused by an abnormal bite or missing or crooked teeth.

 The traumatic force of clenching causes pressure on the muscle and can be resulted into jaw pain, headache, damage teeth and can lead to jaw joint disorder. 

People brux more when they suffer from sleep apnea and when they are on their back. There is no single treatment for bruxism but there are varieties of helpful devices which can deal with the problem of bruxism and bruxism treatment Sydney .Some of them are mouth guards, NTI-tss device and Botox. Not only will your symptoms improve but you will prevent damage to the teeth which would lead to the teeth looking worn and aging the appearance of the sufferer.

 Many different treatments have been devised for the management of jaw problems, based on different theories about what causes jaw dysfunction. Most people don’t realize they suffer from bruxism until their dentist says something about it or they notice some of the more common symptoms of teeth grinding. Relaxation exercises, stress management education and biofeedback mechanisms are other bruxism treatment Sydney. 

For further detail about bruxism treatment Sydney please visit the website.

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