Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Untreated sleep apnea can cause serious health issues

If a pause occurs while you snore or choke or gasping following pause of sleep, these are the major signs to show you have sleep apnea. Sleep disorder affects your breathing when you sleep. An untreated apnea, breathing gets interrupted or becomes shallow while sleeping. This pause of breath typically last for 10 to 20sec, more jolting out from natural rhythm of sleep. Then the consequence is you get less sleep and you need restorative sleep for being energetic, sharp mentally and to be productive on next day.

Chronic sleep disorder result in daytime sleep, slow reflexes, less concentration and increased risk of accident. This also can lead to some kind of serious health issue like diabetes, high BP, heart disease, weight gain and stroke. But with proper treatment, you can subside the symptoms will help you to get the sleep back on order and start enjoying refreshed every day.

Types of Sleep apneas

Obstructive apnea which is seen commonly occurs when soft tissues of your throat relax while sleeping and blocks the way of air lead to cause snoring.

• Central apnea is the least common sleep disorder occurs when brain fails passing signal to the muscles to control breathing.
Complex apnea is the combination of obstructive and central apnea.
If you are dealing with these signs of breathing problems while sleeping in the night then it is better to consult a sleep specialist.

For further detail about sleep specialist please visit the website.

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Does sleeping disorders lead to headache in the morning?

Sleeping disorders may be one of the main causes of headache you get in the morning.
Do you have sleeping disorders? You find difficulty to fall asleep. Do you feel fatigue, irritable and depression on the next day? Whether you get headache or not, a non-restorative sleep can cause problems.

When you try to isolate the signs of sleep disorders, you must ensure that the following points are really affecting you, if it is then seek help from a doctor for your sleep problem.

Have headache after getting up from the bed in the morning
Feel scattered pains and aches throughout the body
Feel fatigue and tiredness that is not going away after several cup of tea
Feel low mood
Depression, irritating nature and impatient

Causes of headache can be many, but you can notice the pattern of your sleep problems that is leading to headache. Even you cannot notice the pattern; you must work on or take treatment for sleeping habits to feel better.

Sleep and headache relation Headache may be the presenting symptom with sleeping problems conversely some researchers found it as an increased occurrence of disturbance of sleep in chronic headache. Sleeping disorders that leads to headache are:

Sleep loss or oversleeping
Frequently waking up in sleep
Insomnia increase the risk of anxiety and depression, all combined with headache may disturb your sleep
Snoring and teeth grinding

For further detail about causes of headache please visit the website.